07 February 2007

whip up challenge - february

I haven't done one of these before, but it seems like a good thing to tackle this month. I just retired a stained, tattered old flour sack towel when pulling laundry out of the dryer the other day... and it was sadly relegated to the rags stack in the laundry room. But then... a-ha! Thanks to Whip Up, I now have something better to do with it.

Miss Lovely is a puker. She goes through bibs like they are going out of style... the best bibs are the ones my mother-in-law knits from chunky cotton yarn. Uber absorbent.

I have yet to make my Lovie a bib- but this won't just be a bib. This will be a Quilted Spit Up Smock. Enter, the tattered old dish towel! Long enough to pull over my shoulder when I burp her. Absorbent cotton batting for the lining. Fastened with one or two tiny black snaps I've been saving on the card from my great-grandmother who was an incredibly talented seamstress for one of Chicago's top designers in the 30s & 40s. Hooray! Can't wait to get to work.

The sketch:

The tattered old towel:

I think this will be big fun!

Will post progress as it happens...


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