06 February 2007

4 shots

I cried again. When they gave Miss Lovely her shots. I am one of those mothers.

- sigh -

And it has been a rough day since then for the poor girl. I wish she were old enough that I could cheer her up / distract her with a treat- all I can do is hold her gingerly, trying to keep her sweet chubby thighs from touching *anything*... I quickly discovered that she shrieks when touched between the bellybutton & knees. Convenient, no?

Via Modamuse, this one girl was a good distraction for me...

And long story short, I am suddenly throwing together a Red & Pink dinner for a church I'm helping to start here. No pastor. No building. Nada. We rent space at a local daycare- this is very curious for a person who has always gone to established churches.... at any rate, red will be spaghetti, pink will be pink lemonade, and I have suggested a Pink Potluck for dessert. How freaking cute is that? I am, of course, obsessing about what my pink dessert will be. I'm thinking of winging it with something completely invented.... jello cupcakes.

Miss Lovely is awake again- signing off -

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