04 February 2007

Just do it.

Miss Lovely, her daddy & I went Home. Such an incredible trip- we were home almost exactly one year ago, not pregnant, just us... and one year later, there we were with a 3 month old in tow. She & her daddy were baptized together while we were home by our pastor in our church where we were married... honestly, one of the most moving days of my life, watching these two precious people in God's care. I was filled to overflowing!

Have been having major get-back-in-the-groove issues- sick me, sick Miss Lovely, and a distracted, dejected homesick sorry-for-myself funk to boot. The difference between me and the arm's length long list of persons I admire is that THEY just do it. They produce. Me? Ummm, not so much. It's definitely not for lack of interest or passion- I think its just dumb fear of seeing that really my work just stinks, that the fabulousness of ideas is just my imagination. But... I really won't know if it is just my imagination until I produce, and produce some more, and keep producing, and maybe someday get some feedback.

Not interested in sleeping so much tonight. Instead, playing with photoshop & my beloved wacom tablet.

I really need to force myself to sleep - I will be seeing this lovely little girl shortly...



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