02 March 2007

lovely stuff

I was in a mean funk yesterday afternoon due to Mlle. Cranklee McStinkbottom. She just... I don't know. It wasn't the teething. She is just being a crank- and going from 0-60 on a dime, with no warning. Not happy in my arms, in her bouncy, in the sling, in the bjorn, playing on the floor, in her crib, reading, eating- I think she's bored with babyhood. Seriously. I don't mean this in a "My child is soooooo advanced!" way, just in a gut feeling way. She wants to sit up, stand, crawl, grab the dog's nose all by herself. She's sick of it.

I've started picking up the camera when she & I are in a funk. It cheers me up to be creative with her, and it cheers me up even more when I see one or two pictures that just go ping! Forget the 435 that I delete... the one or two fill me with pride - that this amazing creature is my daughter, that we have fun together and that she likes me! (evidence= smiles)

Above are two from yesterday. The Lovely Belly is surely lovely, isn't it? And the lineup of pals in her crib cracks me up- all have wacky-assed eyes! The Cookie Monster was her daddy's (recently given a shampoo & blow dry, no kidding, by Grandma), OX was from her Mama, and the chicken just arrived from Gramma Kc.


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